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Re: Scale for SG

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:34:49 -0500
Subject: Re: Scale for SG

At 10:48 PM 2/18/03 +0100, you wrote:
>John Crimmins wrote:
>>One of my unfinished projects (out of several hundred such projects)
is a 
>>set of infantry
>>to accompany an SJG "Ogrethulhu" miniature.
>>I'm using old Epic-scale plastic GW Chaos Marines for this,
>While they're nice too, I like SJG's "Spawn of Ogrethulu" better :-/ I
>both types :-)

The GW guys won out because I've got a few sprues of them and didn't
plans for the little...fellows.  Waste not, want not.

Actually, I use GW plastics for al of my Ogre infantry.  PE are Space
Marines, Combine are Eldar -- I like the scale better, and I have
of them.  

John Crimmins

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