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Re: Points was [FT] CPV vs. NPV

From: "Geoffery Rogers" <geofferyr@h...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 13:43:54 +1100
Subject: Re: Points was [FT] CPV vs. NPV

The main point of having a point system to to give structure to the game
being played. It also allows a quick starting point for a game between
opponents and a rough guide to those unfamilier or lacking detailed
knowledge of rule system. As well as allowing quick scaling up or down
each side for say a veteran vs new player and giving a semi consistant,
measurable result.

I was going to comment again about some SG short comings but it's been
over before.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Bilderback" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [FT] CPV vs. NPV

> --- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:
> > The points values are intended to be a tool for
> > generating forces of
> > roughly equal strength in one-off tactical battles.
> *SNIP*
> > In historical battles, no-one used points values to
> > try to ensure that both
> > sides of a battle had an equal chance of winning.
> >
> > This means that trying to argue how a points value
> > system should or should
> > not work based on historical examples is, pardon the
> > pun, completely
> > pointless...
> Pardon it?  I loved it! LOL
> But you bring up a good.... point..... regarding point
> systems.  I am a big fan of them, when they work
> properly.  I know in past discussions of point
> systems, people have tried to make the historical
> argument against them.  However, I think OO really
> states the case for them quite succinctly, while at
> the same time POINTING out exactly when they are
> useful and when they are not.  Therefore, I'd like to
> make this proposal regarding all future discussions of
> point systems:  If you prefer playing campaign games
> or historical/scenario-style games where the forces
> are dictated by other dynamics and not guaranteed to
> be equal, then just ignore the point system.	But that
> preference does not invalidate the need for a point
> system to be as balanced as possible when used by
> those players who prefer one-off games between equal forces.
> =====
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