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[FT] CPV vs. NPV

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 08:55:30 -0500
Subject: [FT] CPV vs. NPV

This originated, as many grand things do, from Oerjan Ohlson, and has 
been posted to the list before:

CPV is "Combat Point Value": an attempt to resolve the combat power 
imbalance of large vs. small ships.

Revised Costing: To calculate CPV instead of NPV,  Replace "Basic Hull 
Cost = TMF" equation with      "Basic Hull Cost = (TMF^2)/100"
For CPV of ships with noncombat systems (fighter bays (not the fighters 
themselves), cargo, etc) Use this:
Mass of noncombat systems = NCS       "Basic Hull Cost = 
((TMF-NCS)^2)/100"   I have a slightly different (read older) version 
of it up on the WDA, but this is what I use for calculating CPV on my 

The pages on the WDA have all the FB fleets converted. Phalon and KV 
ships should follow the same scaling. I've added them to my own 
spreadsheet, but have not yet updated the lists on the web.

IME, this goes a long way to solving the Large/Small ship imbalance, 
allowing a few more ships in a small-unit-only force going up against a 
contingent of BCs.

Zebra Grail Phenomena	  (Noam Raphael Izenberg)

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