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RE: DS: Walkers

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 16:51:20 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: DS: Walkers

--- Michael Brown <> wrote:
> The problem seems to be that optimal designs are all
> that get used.  

If I want a challenge I run my border guards.  All
size-2 vehicles (the minis are all LAV variants).

So far, they have a pretty damn good track record.

> "Your Task Force will be deployed to Shazbat 7, but
> due to cargo restraints we 
> are limited to size 2 vehicles, the Euries have a
> tank plant on planet so we 
> can expect to see T-2144s (Size 5).  Select your
> force from these three 
> (pre-generated) models."

The tank hunter with the twin GMS/H launchers sounds
nice.  Also plenty of scatterable minefields, Towed
artillery (since SP won't fit), and VTOL support.  I
can eat 'em for lunch.
> I like sub optimal designs 

I don't.  I do like putting designs in situations that
they weren't really intended for and seeing if they
can cope.  See my comments re: border guards.


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