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GenCon 2003 Indy - Game Masters Needed!

From: "Dean Gundberg" <Dean.Gundberg@n...>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 14:42:13 -0600
Subject: GenCon 2003 Indy - Game Masters Needed!

GenCon 2003 is moving to Indianapolis this year plus it is a bit earlier
than in the past, July 24-27.  With the move East from Milwaukee, I
hope to see a few more of you East Coasters show up.

Mike Miserendino, a former list member here if some of you can remember
lives in Indy and is organizing events for this year's convention.  In
past Mike and I have been part of a group running GZG events along with
others on this list like Schoon, Allan Goodall have helped organize and

Mike is looking to get new people involved who want to run sci-fi themed
miniatures and miniatures/RPG related events such as Full Thrust,
II, Star Grunt, FMA, Warhammer 40k, Jovian Chronicles, etc.

If you don't want to come up with your own scenario, we can still use
to run demo games and things like that.  I plan to run the Full Thrust
Tournament and a couple games of Sci-Fi Crossover as I have in the past.

The deadline for all events is March 7th.  Mike would like to submit
everything no later than February
28th, preferably earlier.  Please let Mike ( or I know
are interested in running an event.

Reimbursement for running games at GenCon had changed a bit, here are
new rules:
-Working 16 hours (e.g. 4x 4-hour events) worth of events (with minimum
players per slot) = Reimbursed
cost of 4-day event badge.
-Working 32 hours (e.g. 8x 4-hour events) worth of events (with minimum
players per slot) = Reimbursed
cost of 4-day event badge + 25% total cost of hotel room (based on

More information about GenCon 2003 Indy can be found at
Online registration for the con just started yesterday along with online
room reservations (hurry!)

Dean Gundberg

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