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Re: [FT] Operational game

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@y...>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:06:58 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Operational game

> >> Standard maintenance & logistics problems:
     A long time ago in two minds far out,
a campaign was fought.

But to deal with the multitude of concepts that 
have preceded mine, I offer some comments.

Fighters based on planets:
     The number of fighters Sq. is tied to the
economic value of the planet.

     All shipbuilding and repair happens in
an orbital facility and makes use of the 
material shipped to the facility from throughout
the system. (Yes, not being able to find that
@&$^$%# commerce raider can be a real pain in the
production cycle.)

     Shipping occures between planets in the 
system to move materials (Suggest one mass
shipped equals 10 ship build points}.
Shipment of materisl/crew/ect to other systems
requires a one turn move to EOS (Edge Of System),
one turn between systems, and one turn to enter
destination system/next waypoint.

     Useless concept as to maintain a stable 
orbit they would have to be less than six 
inches from the planet thay are protectins.
Not to mention the cost of the 3D minefield
for the planet.   

Edge of system:
     Edge Of System is defined as 6 areas,
arriving ships can be detected by planet stations
to determine the exact area.   Unless a ship of
some type is in the same area, the destination 
of the arriving ships will not be known.
Sensors play an important role in the campaign
as a ship with Enhanced sensors (E-sen) can
monitor two adjacent areas, Superior (S-sen)
can monitor three.

     This just touches on the rules used,
if questions come up, I'll try to find them.

Bye for now,
John L.

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