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Re: [FT] Operational game

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 10:43:46 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Operational game

Noam said:
>This could be dealt with coarse-grained by assigning "% available" for 
a given fleet/force that is dependent on the distance from the nearest 
secure supply station.

In a longer term campaign game, that's a possibility, but in an
game, the attacker would try to arrange his maintenance cycles so he
surge everything for the op.  Therefore increased maintenance expense
(which takes place all the time) would be a better way to model it,
than decreased availability

> "Your political leadership requires that the planet Voteria not be
> left undefended"--okay, that's another one.  Similar is the "defending
> convoys" that Edward mentioned.

Noam said:
>Random assignment, or something you "pay to maintain or reap the 

I'd be inclined just to charge for the number of routes.  If someone
wants to get into the commerce raiding aspect, then you might need to
specify ships.

> Anything else?

Noam said:
>FTL mechanics limitations (pick one or more):
>- Fixed jump points make for defendable/assaultable bottlenecks.

That's pretty much a given

>- Jump emergence broadcasts an FTL signal that can be quickly locked on

and intercepted, _and_ Jump  sickness is debilitating on the scale of 
many hours

Lengthy jump sickness kills merchant shipping--it vastly increases
expense.  And it increases the likelihood of piracy, IMHO.

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