Re: DSII: Command Unit Question
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:45:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: DSII: Command Unit Question
--- Ryan M Gill <> wrote:
> Considering it's similar to all of the other figures
> on the table my
> opponent has to fight his way to it after making
> sure it's what it
> is. It tends to stay behind hill features or inside
> towns though.
That's a lot of assets escorting it, though. Doesn't
that give it away.
> The biggest problem for them is the Airstrike from
> Aerospace craft.
> I've got a pretty good technique of stripping away
> AAA with repeated
> air strikes on opponent's AAA quicker than they can
> strip mine away.
Easiest way to deal with AA? Us US doctrine from
Air-Land era. VTOLs to strip out the AA in a specific
corridor using GMS/Hs. Then the attack aircraft have
a clear shot.
> The 2nd Commander is required for Rallying. You
> can't rally with out
> the "Old Man" bitching out the Platoon Leader to get
> up to that 2nd
> phase line. Troops aren't likely to rally because
> the old man said so
> from a nice safe bunker 75 miles to the rear.
Of course, my commanders also lead from front at
company level (and I do believe in companies from a
unit cohesion standpoint). Even my BN commanders are
issued tanks and expected to be in them--let the XO
run the TOC. You can tell where they are--all other
tanks are in 4s, these are singles or in pairs.
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