Re: [OT]Canberra Firestorm
From: "Brendan Pratt" <bastard@o...>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:21:40 +1100
Subject: Re: [OT]Canberra Firestorm
> > Hi Alan - glad you live in Downer -
> Not as glad as I am, mate ;-)
> > I'm on Mount Rogers
> Any help required, let me know. Phone 6248 0542 mobile 0411 2022293
> North-westerly wind predicted later today.
We're pretty well prepared at this stage - we are on alert status here
every available receptacle holds water, the gutters are full and the
are ready.
I was just out at Glenloch interchange in the centre of town and saw
devastation - everything burned - trees, grass, coppers logs, light
cars, street signs and even sections of road - worse than last year.
We've reached all our staff, friends and family - all of them are okay
most don't have power so we're making more room for them up here.
Anyone that wants to get some idea of what is happening should check
The damage count is now over 400 houses lost with only four deaths -
got our fingers crossed that neither figure rises any time soon.