From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 15:07:03 -0500
Subject: Ranks/Services/Etc.
Someone called into question my ordering of
Canadian Generals. Without delving into
classified matters (sorry, a jab at another
thread), let me tell you the simple rhyme that I
was taught for memorization of this heirarchy
"Bite My Large G*n*d!" (Brigadier, Major, Lt,
full General). That isn't easy to forget or screw
On another note about compartmentalization
and secrecy, I recall when the pam on how to
assemble Canadian combat webbing was
RESTRICTED. Now, why this was, I can't imagine.
I actually suspect domestic security (keeping
anything military from our news guys) was
behind it. And of course, this was in a time
where the Liberal Gov't which hates the Forces
was in power.... oh wait, we're back there again.
As for the "amalgamation": It had disasterous
morale impacts, drove out a lot of our best
NCOs and officers, and left us with the Duds we
now have in NDHQ. And we ended up eventually
rebuilding "services" within the larger CF
umbrella (now the Navy wears blue, the army
green, the air force lighter blue again). And it
has left some formations like the EW/Comms
guys in an odd position (interestingly, they are
not army - they are some sort of 4th service).
And then there are a whole bunch of people in
our military who are "purple" (owing allegiance
to no particular parent unit, just to CF as a
whole). One of my close friends is working in
Ballistic Early Warning for the Canadian Forces
Joint Space Support Team, and he's purple.
As to trades, some do span services.
Firefighting on board ship is something that
many MARS, MARE, and ranks train for. They
are expected to be capable of fighting in the
specialized shipboard environment and are very
profficient at it. And they're Navy. Yet, none of
them has the trade Firefighter as far as I know.
But I know many ships do not have a
"Firefighter" aboard.
It's interesting to read some of the old
declassified materials - I acquired a bunch when
our armouries was clearing out its basement.
Things like nuclear weapon tables showing
destruction radii for various warheads etc. And
then some of the interesting things they'd
collected about our supposed opponents. (On
that note, I note that we called our targets
(informally) Herman the German, but the large
five pointed red star on the helmet was a pretty
good indicator of what Generic Silhouette was
supposed to represent at the time).
I also have a buddy whose brother is a CF
Major who is a a PubInfo type officer about two
steps from the CDS. He does briefings from
NDHQ whenever stuff needs let out (Bosnia,
Kosovo, etc). Interestingly, *his* background is
either RCHA or RCA (artillery). How that qualifies
one for a PR job, I don't even want to
PS - John, Congrats on the Promo. Probably
well deserved. :)
Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst