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[Service] Ranks and Designations

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 14:26:31 -0500
Subject: [Service] Ranks and Designations

Not that anyone would notice (*grin*) but the 
Canadian Forces (the Army Part) uses:

Master Corporal
Warrant Officer 
Master Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer

In the ossifer ranks, we use
(Officer Cadet - pre commision)
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant (and we still now how to 
pronounce it)
Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General

Of course, I find it interesting that you get 
Lieutenant Generals in some armies, Colonel 
General's, and a few other flavours and some 
use Stars and others just have Brigadier without 
referring to Brigadier General. Brass hats are 
all the same pretty much though AFAICS. And of 
course some nations address Warrant holders 
as "Sir" and D.I.s as "Sir" whereas I was 
explicitly told I'd get my ass kicked if I did so. 
(and that's a cleaned up version of the actual 

FYI, the following are Canadian Appointments 
(as opposed to ranks):
Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer
Command Chief Warrant Officer
Chief Warrant Officer of a higher formation
Base Chief Warrant Officer
Trumpet Major or Bugle Major
Drum Major
Pipe Major

Most of this and other interesting stuff about 
the minute and underfunded CF can be found at

Now, a question for John, who pointed out that 
Mike's O-3E indicated he'd once done real work 
(and I know the rest of that one too John 
*grin*) - Is the E appended if the officer goes 
CFR (direct commision from ranks) or only if he 
goes to some sort of OCS/Academy? Just 

Tomb Raider
Once-upon-a-time R031 Infanteer

Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst

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