[OT] Happy New Year and E911
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 13:28:09 -0500
Subject: [OT] Happy New Year and E911
1. Happy New Year (by whichever calendar) to
one and all. This list continues to be a source of
enjoyment and education for me and I hope my
many friends on it are safe and happy and have
a great year!
2. Brian (whose comments brought to mind
Arnold's line from Raw Deal "You should not
drink and post"....) B said:
> G'night and HAPPY NEW YEAR,
> especially to our moronically-lead
> neighbours to the south,
The irony of a Canadian commenting on
Moronic Leadership goes beyond funny. I'm
a Canadian and I'd gladly trade the corrupt,
self-serving, spineless, public-trust-abusing
rat-weasel we've got for GWB. And I live
right at the edge of Ottawa, so if anyone
ought to know....
3. When I worked in E911 stuff, my
company (prime system integrator for the
RCMP) had a couple of programmers and
some GIS types involved in developing a
car location -> map location and an
incident location -> map location (based of
ANI/ALI information returned by the E911
interfaces from various E911 systems).
Myself, I wrote the protocols for our
system to handle feeds for an arbitrary
number of E911 protocols (Canada, not
counting Ontario, has at least 11 I know of)
in arbitrary combinations. I wonder if
anyone realized that might be patent
infringing? The RCMP didn't seem to find a
problem with it, and they should have had
solicitors general/etc. to check it out. Of
course, no one may have thought to. And it
may be in Canada vs. in the US. :)
Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst