RE: [FT] Enabling "Defense" Scenarios: Eclipsing ships
From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 19:33:15 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] Enabling "Defense" Scenarios: Eclipsing ships
At 10:52 AM 12/21/02 +1100, you wrote:
>> In order to do so, the escort must roll less than or equal to
>> its current thrust factor on 1d6 -- so if a ship has done a
>> lot of maneuvering on a given turn, it
>> is going to have a more difficult time intercepting oncoming fire.
>Umm I'm suffering from thick headedness today, but could you please
>what you mean? Do you mean remaining unused thrust or just straight
>rating? I'm assuming you mean the former right or do Oerjan-ish thrust
>ships always pass?
Me speak English good. Unused thrust, right. So a Thrust 6 ship that
accelerated this turn would need to roll a four or less.
And yes, I'd allow the Thrust 8 ship to always intercept successfully.
Others may differ, on this, but I find that the ships that are *that*
manueverable don't last too long anyway. I don't doubt that someone
munchkinly tendencies could design an unarmed Thrust 8 ship with class
three shields and a ton of armor, use it as a big chunk of ablative
but I don't worry about stuff like that.
Besides, I usually do all the designing for the games that I run.
>> An escort can protect against any number of attacks, but only
>> from a single attacker in any given turn. Area effect weapons
>> cannot be defended against.
>Do you mean SMs as well as PBs?
Again; I'd allow it myself, but others may differ. I figure why not?
defender usually has enough problems to deal with as it is.
John Crimmins