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Re: Mine Probing

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 06:58:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Mine Probing

--- wrote:

> This is from RL, so might be off topic. :-)
> In the WTC cleanup they were working with rats that
> carried small backpacks 
> with a camera on board, they had wires into their
> head that allowed their 
> handlers to use a joystick like device to make them
> move in different 
> directions. 

I don't know whether that's creepy or cool.

It was hoped they could get deeper into
> the pile than search 
> dogs, and help direct the search and rescue teams.
> Not sure how useful they 
> actually were, but how big a charge would one have
> to be carrying to set off 
> a mine the rat was sitting on?

Oh, a half-pound would do nicely.  If you get it in
contact, a quarter pound would likely suffice.


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