Prev: RE: [OT] Raising the Double-headed Eagle on the Theodosian Walls, was Re: Roger's Quiz :-( Next: Re: Mine Probing

Re: Minefileds

From: Ludo Toen <ludo.toen@p...>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 09:52:08 +0200
Subject: Re: Minefileds

> Sneaky Italian people make mines with magnetic fuzes
> and sell them on cash-and-carry basis to every kind of
> undesirable LOON you can imagine!
> John

Could you give the name of this mine? I'm assuming you're talking about 
AT mines and not AP ones.


Prev: RE: [OT] Raising the Double-headed Eagle on the Theodosian Walls, was Re: Roger's Quiz :-( Next: Re: Mine Probing