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Somthing new in 1/285th

From: Scott Siebold <gamers@a...>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 00:32:18 -0500
Subject: Somthing new in 1/285th

I was at GENCON and  and someone handed me a copy of a GHQ Soursebook.
GHQ is coming out with 2 packs in October for the LAV III. The first
pack is
for the IBCT version (5 vehicles) and the second pack has the 105mm and
version (4/1 vehicles). As someone who owns the MICV version of the M113
and the 20mm (no TOW) version of of the Bradley I can say that there are

risks in purchasing vehicles before the armed forces does.

I was looking through the sorcebook and I notice many new vehicles
out from GHQ. I talked to a friend and he said that GHQ was having
with it's N gage model train accessories. It seems that their 
accessories were metal
and their competitors were plastic and those actually on the trains had 
a tendency
to imbalance the train. So GHQ is making a major effort to recapture the
wargamming community.

Scott Siebold

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