Re: [DS2] Question About Spotting Mine Fields
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 21:12:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [DS2] Question About Spotting Mine Fields
--- Jakim Friant <> wrote:
> > That's a really low density. What's the depth?
> > A disrupt minefield should have a PE of about
> >.5.
> Density? PB? I have no clue about that... I was
Density = # mines per meter of front.
PE = Probability of Encounter. The odds that a tank
driving a straight line through the minefield would
hit a mine. 1 in 4 real:dummy ratio means that for a
minefield one row of counters thick, you'd have a .25
PE which in my book counts as little worse than a
phony minefield anyway. I'd breach it in-stride using
maneuver elements.
> Going by the rest of your description (and after
> looking at the rules again) it would seem that an
> engineer unit would be needed to determine for sure
> if
> a mine field was live or not (and to make disarming
> attempt if it was live).
No, anyone can tell if it's live. Only engineers can
do so safely (ie from a distance).
Also note that it would be breaching, not disarming.
Disarming is for EOD types. We breach.
> I think it is sufficient to model the other types of
> discovery just by have a counter on the table in the
> first place.
True, that.
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