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From: kaladorn@m...
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:25:24 -0400
Subject: Minefileds

John A replied to someone:

Sure.  Surface-laid mines are visible if you know what
you're looking for and get lucky.  Tilt-rod mines are
blindingly obvious.  And even buried mines have
indicators.  The problem comes in noticing those
indicators in combat.  The other problem comes in
telling whether it's a real mine or not.  I mean, are
those tilt-rods, or straightened coat hangers stuck in
the ground?

[Tomb] I saw a player use this to good effect in Challenger II when 
defending a seaside town in Kuwait. His Iraqis piled up dirt like you 
might sea in a planted minefield manually here and there and posted 
lots of mine warning signs. The NATO player believed him and ended up 
trying a much more difficult attack as a result. 

And as a former Gropo, my interest in probing for mines with a probe 
or my bayonet isn't that high..... I'll just choose to believe a 
minefield is real if it looks like it *might* just be real. :) 

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