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RE: [FT] AoG Minis

From: devans@n...
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 17:02:03 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] AoG Minis

I was waiting for other, better minds to reply, but, you know about
and rushing...

Can anyone fill me in on which scale (B5Wars / Fleet Action) more
matches the GZG FT ship scale?

Of course, Dean's right about the lack of standardization, though not as
bad across all lines as he suggests. However, my gut feeling was that
B5W stuff was actually more 'in scale', but the FA stuff looked better
along side FT. Sorry if that muddles things even more.

I find it odd that 50% is such a stretch for them. They were at ColdWars
and Historicon selling Bab 5 at 50% off (not FA mind you).

BTW -- Are the 30-40% sale prices already incorporated into the prices
the web site?

Looks that way to me, but the other comment about prices was bang on,
though I suspect the cost of this particular licensing would explain a
The B5W was half price at GenCon, but that was hardly surprising, as
found small batches in several cut-out bins for as much as 75% off.

FA REALLY cut the interest in the other scale, from what I've seen.

Out of curiousity, are the Gropos figures on sale?

I'm not as aware of the prices here, but there's a matching package
that seems to be about the same. I'm assuming the listed blister prices
about as good.

Now I have to decide whether to buy stuff now, when I can't really
it, or just sell off my third party B5 White Stars and get out of B5
altogether. This hasn't been the greatest of timing...

Well, there's always the third option of borrowing some from me,
them to use, and giving them back if you ever decide to give them up.


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