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[FT] AoG Minis

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 13:37:00 -0400
Subject: [FT] AoG Minis

I wrote Bruce Graw (Agent One) at AoG today when I found out that my 
wish list of closeout minis still ran about $140 after the current 
30-40% discount. He told me he'd be able to swing free shipping on an 
order that size, but could go as far as 50% off retail if the order were

(significantly) larger. I don't know how large that has to be, nor 
whether a group order from another of people would lose the extra 
discount by having to be shipped (again) from the "contact" orderer. If 
a "regional" group (MD/DC/VA USA) would be interested in a combined 
order, I'd be interested in perhaps being the point of contact if it 
would indeed save everyone some money.

I also inquired about saving some unsold minis from disintigration at 
the last moment for possible donation to ECC, but apparently WB is 
watching AoG inventory and they'd have to pay royalties on donations as 
well.  Pretty harsh.


"Ah! An impregnable Zero!"   (Noam Raphael Izenberg)

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