Re: To which nation do you belong?
From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 11:37:28 -0400
Subject: Re: To which nation do you belong?
At 11:26 AM -0400 9/19/02, wrote:
>Your platoon is surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy. You've
>suffered many men killed and many wounded. You have very few men left
>and your position is desparate. The enemy commander offers you a
>chance to reply. Your reply is to this offer:
>1. "Nuts." Hold tight and wait for your relief till Hell freezes
>over, because you know relief _is_ coming.
>2. "Ve Do Not Zurrendur. Not Ze Prussian Vay." Hold tight and fight
>calmly and effectively until overrun, then separate and try to make
>your way back to your own lines.
>3. "Camerone!" then execute a close assault with all remaining
>members of the platoon and win or die.
Frogs States Europa, :p
>4. "Oi, Mate. You wanna give up? Stupid B*st*rds." Be shocked when
>the outnumbering enemy is not in fact surrendering, then get annoyed
>and give them a good thumping.
NAC or perhaps OU.
>5. Smile. Sharpen your curved knives. Wait till dark, crawl out, and
>collect some ears.
NAC Ghurkas
>6. Shoot the emissary, then shoot a few of your most shaky looking
>men to "inspire" the others. You'd like to surrender, but you know
>the Area Commander and his Commisars would probably do worse than
>just kill you.
>7. "Y'all mosey back to yer lines. And if we see yer sorry *ss around
>these parts agin, we'll git real annoyed." Load your Winchester and
>check the chambers on your shootin' irons. And tell the boys 'n' gals
>to "Remember Dan'l Boone and the Alamo."
FCT or NAC (some bits of the NAC when fighting the LLAR).
>9. Thank the emissary for his generous offer. Respectfully decline
>strictly as a matter of honour. Feed the emissary some nice tea and
>send him home. Put on your rising-sun headband and meditate with your
>men. When the spirit has been purified, Banzai!
I don't see the Japanese Corporate Mercenaries doing this. WWII
really stomped this concept out. The few that have this concept are
generally seen as a bunch of looneys by the rest of the nation.
>10. Being incredibly pragmatic, arrange for safe passage of your
>troops and arms from this untenable position. Ensure proper
>gaurantees are in place and then surrender conditionally.
NAC outnumbered 10:1 and fighting an unquestionably honorable
opponent (tiny border conflict with NSL)
- Ryan Montieth Gill '01 Honda Insight -
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