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RE: The FT scale (was Re: The F Scale)

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 10:03:35 +1000
Subject: RE: The FT scale (was Re: The F Scale)

G'day again,
> Any more suggestions, and answers, could come to me or to the list.

Here's a more of a Taswegian slant...

You are attacked without warning. Do you get upset because:
- you'd only just opened that beer!

Your ship is pursued by a faster opponent. Do you:
- laugh, and as you head off to your stations take bets on whether
be enough lifeboats... 

Your ship takes damage. Do you:
- get out the bailing twine and work up a good spit...

Your rifle jams just as you're about to go into battle. Do you:
- pull out the one you collected earlier for just such an eventuality,
realise you're dreaming, hit it until it works (stuff this old can still
take the knocks)

Your ship is pursuing a slower opponent. Do you:
- cheer loudly and take bets on how many shots until you sink it or lose

Your rifle jams just as you're about to go into battle. What do you say?
- bloody typical!



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