[OT] Conservatives, Liberals and the rest of us
From: kaladorn@m...
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 18:44:28 -0400
Subject: [OT] Conservatives, Liberals and the rest of us
Seems to me most of the people I know (in my generation) align
themselves with liberal social values (toleration of marijuana
(either because they don't think it is any worse than alcahol or as a
strict matter of fiscal pragmatism), toleration of homosexual
marriages (do what you want with whom you want, just don't bug me
about it), toleration of free thinking, free speech, the right to
question authority, protest in a non-destructive manner, etc). They
also believe in technological prowess, education, and hard work. They
don't believe in affirmitive action, sex discrimination, government
moral oversight, censorship, etc.
Simultaneously, most of them align themselves against unlimited gun
ownership, against high taxes, against large government, against
unmonitored social spending, and against government crookedness. And
pro defence, pro military, and pro entrepeneurship.
This mostly seems like common sense and boils down to "let the people
keep their money, keep government out of social matters, let
government monitor things like roads, schools, etc. that are public
good locations, and have government that has integrity and
Now, as an exercise, try to find a party that supports such policies
in Canada. I know *I* have no idea who I'll be voting for next
election.... which is downright sad. And to vote (because the
perogative itself is sacred) for the "least of many evils" sure seems
like a crappy recommendation for democracy.
I think in the GZGverse (to vainly try for on-topic), people are
probably still being mis-classified, grouped when such a grouping is
misleading, poorly represented by their governments, etc. I think the
"No Good Guys" applies trebly to the GZGverse governments, who all
seem vaguely weasely (some less vaguely than others!).
PS - If US liberals are pro tax, pro big gov't, pro social welfare
state and US conservatives are anti-tax, pro big gov't and anti
welfare state, what are the protectionist deep south conservatives?
They aren't pro free trade, yet they get called conservative due to
their social convictions. And what is an anti-tax, anti-big gov't,
anti-welfare state person? Another flavour of conservative? At the
end of the day, what meaning does any label have if it can't
adequately encompass two or three individually bifurcate or
mutlifurcate categories? Answer: Probably not useful for anything but
sound bytes!