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Re: Why Arabs Loose ... Was Re: Test

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 09:30:47 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: Why Arabs Loose ... Was Re: Test

Ted Arlauskas schrieb:
> >If you want to liven things up, I can post a link
> >someone sent me to an article entitled "Why Arabs
> >Loose Wars."  Some really thoughtful stuff about Arab
> >information management strategies and leadership
> John - Can you send me the link off-list?  I'd like
> to give it a read if it's a credible source.

I guess John means this one: 

Seems quite credible, apparently the author has quite a bit of
experienc in Arab countries. 

One point to keep in mind is that many of the problems he discusses are
not specifically Arab, but can also be found in other 3rd World
countries, e.g. in Africa, Latin America or the Balkans. Also, other
countries in the past have overcome similar problems and developed
their economies, politics and military forces.

Karl Heinz

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