Population Models I'd like to See
From: kaladorn@m...
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 11:17:00 -0400
Subject: Population Models I'd like to See
Hi Beth:
I'm gonna register my requests :)
I'd like to see some near and far end projections for population
(Now, not the "we blow ourselves completely up" version, mind!).
Something that takes into account a UN forecast crash scenario,
fairly extensive mortality from plagues, etc, only a poor or moderate
accessibility (cost), and maybe including (though not explicitly)
attempts to limit emmigration from some nations. And high numbers of
war dead from the various conflicts along with moderate growth rates.
Then, on the other hand, I'd love to see high growth rate
projections, assuming ease/cheap cost of going to space, no
population crashback, small losses to war, a big desire to spread out
and emmigrate to new frontiers, and such.
This would give the GZG community both ends of a population spectra
to look at, which would help people feel more comfortable with your
middle-of-the-road (or cautiously optimistic) estimates.
As for the UN, given your median model (I'm calling that the one that
we think of as having useful but reasonable assumptions, not border-
of-possible ones), I'd like to see a projection of it assuming it is
well run, well funded, has relatively free emmigration from the
various states and encourages emmigration from the
overpopulated/poorer countries to help bump up its population base,
And another projection that features the UN as an incompetent place,
poorly funded, being fought tooth and nail by the major powers, etc.
That'd give us both boundaries on the UN's scale/capability.
Now, what I've suggested here is basically 4 projections (high and
low pop points, and two for the UN from the median pop model). But it
ain't me doing the work, so you can tell me to sod off.... :)
Tomb Raider