RE: [SG] Luring players
From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 09:54:01 -0600
Subject: RE: [SG] Luring players
Scale - as you pointed out, one game uses one counter to represent a
squad, the other uses individual figs. In ASL, terrain is more limited,
you can have a building plus one other terrain type per hex(plus maybe a
road) that affects the squad. In SG you can have various parts of the
squad in various types of terrain at the same time.
In ASL squads are either whole or damaged (top side of counter, flip
side of counter) in SG the squad could be down 1-10 guys.
If you re-scaled the Guards Counter Attack to where 1 ASL counter was
represented by 1-2 SG figure(s), so that a SG squad represents an ASL
platoon, I'm sure that you could finish the scenario in a few hours.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laserlight []
> Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 10:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [SG] Luring players
> In a couple of months I'll have the opportunity to run a SG scenario
> for a bunch of Squad Leader players, and it occurred to me that we
> ought to have a scenario that will be familiar to them, but will show
> off SG. (We could do the same thing for Warhamster but since I don't
> think I've even seen Warhammer being played, I can't help much).
> And this brought to mind the second question. ASL is more complex
> than SG--but the introductory "Guards Counterattack" has a couple of
> companies per side. In SG, that would be an all day event. Aside
> from the difference of moving 1 counter vs moving 10 minis, what makes
> it possible to play that scenario in a few hours in ASL when you can't
> in SG?