[FT] SUS - Tractor Beams
From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 16:06:08 +0100
Subject: [FT] SUS - Tractor Beams
There have been a number of implementations of Tractor Beams, a 'staple'
in SF, posted on the Web over the years, but for some reason, they've
been missed out of the WDA...
A good selection are posted on the The Unofficial Full Thrust WWW Page:
Although these designs pre-date the publication of Fleet Book 1.
Using these as a starting point, I think Adam Delafield's suggestion
(the last one on the tractor beam page on the UFTWWWP page) is a good
suggestion for a simple tractor beam rules:
[Begin Quote]
From: Adam Delafield <A.Delafield@bolton.ac.uk>
Most of the ideas about tractor beams give a thrust rating on the
enemy ship opposed to it's movement. However, I've never seen
tractors as being so subtle. The idea of tractors seems to me to be
to grapple an opponent and drag them closer.
How about this for an idea. Tractors are rated at x, where x is half
the distance the tractor can drag the FIRING ship.
At the end of movement, any ship that has a successful tractor 'lock'
on a ship can move that ship a set distance. These distances are as
follows. Just what constitutes a lock, and how one is achieved has also
got to be figured out.
When firing at a ship which is a CLASS smaller, move the target ship
2x directly toward the firer.
If the ships are the same class, both move x toward each other.
If firing at a ship of a larger class, the firer is moved 2x toward
the target.
And another idea.
Tractors simply dissipate kinetic energy. Any ship hit by a tractor
looses an amount of velocity dependant on it's class (down to zero.
If a ship is in reverse it GAINS velocity up to zero).
Capitals loose 1
Cruisers loose 1d6
Escorts loose 2d6
This would be simplest. I'd restrict this type of tractor to capitals,
and only one per ship. I'd also assume that all capitals get tractors
for free, provided they have at least one fighter bay (assumed to be
included in equipment for landing fighters.) provided the background
warrants it.
This would be my favourite option.
| Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer | Bolton Institute, |
| | Eagle Tower, |
| E-mail : ad4@Bolton.ac.uk | College Way, |
| Phone : +44 1204 528851 (ext 3163) | Bolton, UK. |
| Fax : +44 1204 399074 | BL3 5AE. |
[End Quote]
I would call the first option a 'Tractor Beam' and the second a 'Kinetic
Damper' as the old FT ship classes (Escort/Cruiser/Capital) no longer
apply, I suggest the following update:
Simple Tractor Beam Rules
For the sake of utility, any 'tractor beam' is also a 'Pressor Beam'
(just think what happens if you apply a force on another ship _towards_
yours, but you cannot apply a force in the opposing direction to
decelerate it when it gets close...)
Each Tractor Beam has a rating, which is the amount of 'thrust' it can
apply to a ship of the same mass as the ship mounting the Tractor Beam,
at close range.
Tractor Beams are 'fired' during the Launch Ordnance phase: Tractor
beams have full strength out to a range of 6 mu, and half strength
(round down) out to a range of 12 mu, each further +6 mu halves the
strength again.
Roll a number of D6s equal to the Tractor Beam strength (modified for
range), resolve the D6s as beam dice, but without re-rolls. The total
number of 'hits' inflicted is the 'pull' applied (if the tractor beam is
used in 'pressor' or 'repulsor' mode, apply the 'pull' as a 'push').
If the Target ship is less than half the MASS of the tractoring ship,
it is pulled towards the tractoring vessel per twice the result above.
If the target is half or more of the MASS of the tractoring ship, but
less than twice its MASS, then they are both pulled towards each other
by the result above.
If the target is twice or more of the MASS of the tractoring ship, then
the tractoring ship is pulled towards the target by twice the result
This pull will affect the course and speed of the affected ships, and
is applied during the Move Ships phase:
In Cinematic, if the pull is applied through the Fore (F) arc, it is
added to the ship's current speed (in addition to any MD in the written
If it is applied through the FP or FS arcs, then half of the pull is
added to the ship's current speed, and the ship makes a 2-point turn
towards the tractoring vessel (in addition to any MD and manoeuvres in
the written orders).
If it is applied through the AP or AS arcs, then half the pull is
subtracted from the ships speed, and the ship makes a 2-point turn
towards the tractoring vessel (in addition to any MD and manoeuvres in
the written orders). If it is applied through the Aft (A) arc, then the
pull is subtracted from the ship's current speed (in addition to any MD
in the written orders).
In Vector, first move the ship according to its existing velocity and
written orders, then move it according to the effects of tractor beams.
Do not measure its new velocity or move the course marker until _after_
the tractor beam effects have been applied.
In all cases, a repulsor 'push' is treated as a 'pull' from the opposite
A Tractor Beam requires MASS equal to 5% of that of the carrying ship,
per rating, and has a cost of 5 points per MASS. It has a single arc of
fire, for 50% extra cost, and can cover 2 arcs, and for double the MASS
and cost, it can be increased to 3-arc coverage.
>From Adam Delafield's other suggestion, again, updated to the Fleet
Kinetic Suppression Beam
This reduces the velocity of the target ship.
Targets of less than half the MASS of the carrying ship reduce their
speed by 2D6 mu.
Targets of less than twice, but at least half the MASS of the carrying
ship reduce their speed by 1D6 mu.
Targets of twice or more the MASS of the carrying ship reduce their
speed by 1 mu.
Targets of four times the MASS or more are unaffected.
In cinematic, the target just slows down, while for vector,
the target should slow down _relative_to_the_ship_
with_the_kinetic_suppressor_, I suggest that for games using the vector
movement system, the Kinetic Suppressor be treated as a tractor beam,
but with the pull applied to as to try and equalise the vectors of the
two ships, split between the two ships as for the tractor beam.
Other Tractor Beam tech
Tractor Shears
This is an anti-tractor beam defence. These work as 'screens' against
tractor beams.
Level of Tractor Shears MASS Required
Level 1 2.5% of carrying ship
Level 2 5% of carrying ship
Level 3 10% of carrying ship
Level 4 20% of carrying ship
Tractor shears have a minimum MASS equal to their level, and cost 5
points per MASS.
They are represented by 1 SSD icon per level, and each icon makes
threshold checks separately (as for screen generators).
Level 3 tractor shears reduce the effectiveness of a tractor beam to 1
point of pull per 6 rolled, while level 4 tractor shears confer
Manipulator Beams
An advanced tractor beam, the pull can be applied in any direction.
Where the pull is split between the two ships, the two pulls must be
equal and opposite.
MASS is as for Tractor Beams, but cost is doubled.
Spinner Beams
As tractor beams, but applies no pull, instead it 'spins' the target
ship by 1 clock-face per point of 'pull'.
Mass and Cost as per tractor beams.
What do you all think? - any better ideas? - any ideas what the SSD
icons should look like?