RE: [FT] Starting speed
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 09:40:49 +1000
Subject: RE: [FT] Starting speed
> Now, in vector, what's the advantage to a high (20+)
> starting speed?
For one, depends on what you're mission is. Fast recon may mean you want
take a quick fly-by. Raiding a base may mean you want to beat the outer
perimeter and get some shots in before they catch up. In one-on-one
I've sent the small fry in on a fast pass so they could dump mines,
missiles, submunition packs etc and generally shake up the opponent's
line without hanging around too long to get super badly beaten up
themselves. It can also be good to come in fast if you're weapons are
shorter range than the opponents. As to turning around afterwards,
what I mean by living with the consequences. Having a planet to sling
yourself around can be very handy. Also thinking about fleet position
can be
helpful, I've played my fleets like ancient armies and had some success
(flanking wings of "horse archers" and then shieldwall in the centre
Can also mean they've got less chance to successfully SM you. Ultimately
though it could just be the wacko way I play... and the fact most of my
opponents play sllllooooowwwwww fleets ;)