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RE: The Fulton Army Poll

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 09:32:24 +1000
Subject: RE: The Fulton Army Poll


> 2) What level of morale do the troops have?
> [Tomb] Rating? (Words - High, Med, Low.... or rating 1-5, 1-10?)

1 to 5 would be easiest, but as someone who has to work with subjective
ratings by people on a regular basis I can actually cope with whatever
send me ;)
> 3) What level of leadership do the troops have?
> [Tomb] Rating? Assume 1-3?

Yes that would be easiest.
> 4) What level of equipment do the troops have? 
> [Tomb] Rating? (Words - High, Med, Low.... or rating 1-5, 1-10?)

Whatever is fine, but 1-5 or 1-3 would keep it consistent at least ;)
> 5) Will the troops show initiative? <this covers troops reacting 
> [Tomb] Rating? (Words - High, Med, Low.... or rating 1-5, 1-10?)

Say 1 -3 , with 1 as better
> 6) How good are the supporting troops?
> [Tomb] Rating? (Words - High, Med, Low.... or rating 1-5, 1-10?)

You just like cut and paste don't you? ;)

> By this, you don't mean the second line troops, you specifically mean 
> specialist assets like air, medevac, artillery, engineer, sniper etc 
> (as the second line or reserve troops were covered independently 
> above)?

I meant what you and Laserlight had as supporting (engineers etc etc)
> 7) How good are the vehicles?
> [Tomb] Rating? (Words - High, Med, Low.... or rating 1-5, 1-10?)

1 - 3 or 1 - 5

So long as people are clear about what ordinal system they're using I
actually mind.

John asked:
>How is it distributed?  Bell curve, shifted bell
>curve, inverse bell curve, evenly?  No army will have
>uniform leadership ratings.

The rating 1 - 3 is supposed to represent average leadership and is just
ordinal measure. If you would feel more comfortable giving me a %
I can handle that too.


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