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RE: Tomb's Rating System

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 10:44:49 +1000
Subject: RE: Tomb's Rating System


> For instance, picking on Beth just because I haven't done that for a
> while and I'm sure she's getting paranoid

I was starting to think I'd gotten too respectable for you (or you'd
me off as a lost cause) ;)

> --if I were doing the IAS, I
> might toss out something like this:
> 60% QD4, 35%QD6, 5%QD8
> 80% LDR1, 20% LDR2

To my mind more like

60% Qd6  - IAS volunteers (we can learn to do things after all)
30% Qd8  - average hired mercs, the odd seasoned volunteer
10% Qd10 - the ones we keep around for a reason ;)

10% LDR3 
30% LDR2 
60% LDR1

> Personal weapons are FP3 d12.  

At least frontline ones. Reserve units would have FP3 d10.

> Squads tend to be fairly large, say 10
> guys each--even though that's inefficient use of firepower, it's
> better for morale.  

Actually 6 volunteers with 2 merc commanders.

> Support weapons are d12/d10* but on a double 1 are
> out of order--"perfected in the laboratory, needed a little more field
> testing." 

We gave those up for more reliable D10/D10, which can become D10/D12 or
D10/D10* depending on how long their users have had to tinker. Though
right on a double 1 they're stuffed if they've been tinkered with ;)

> Each platoon has a trooper with a GMS/P-sized missile
> launcher which does damage like GMS/L, again double 1's means
> something's screwed up. 

Haven't gotten round to this yet ;)

> Troops are in d6 armor with chameleon surface, 
> upshift defense die vs spotting and vs shooting (but do not
> upshift armor die); sensors are d8. 

That's my Persians not the IAS. IAS have fairly standard d8 armour. The
they use does have "jammers" (one grade harder to spot), but once
(i.e. sensors tuned into them) they're stock standard from there on in.
have also made some lightweight stuff allowing for D8 movement, but it
didn't work so well in HTH and so is not standard issue as yet.

> They have 2 electronic warfare techs per platoon. 

Yep and 4 others who are dying for their chance too ;)

> This army has more leaders than usual, but
> attempts at command reactivations are treated a 1 die type worse
> unless delivered in person--subordinates tend to argue.

I don't give them extra attempts, and I don't penalise them with regard
taking orders unless they've got non-mercs in command (say the commaders
have died and now the volunteers are a tad upset).


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