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Re: John's Weapon Lists

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 21:11:02 -0400
Subject: Re: John's Weapon Lists

> > Sa'Vasku Younger Swarm: FPd6, Impact: roll 1d4 and
> > multiply by the number of points by which the FP die exceeded the
> > target's defense die.  These are essentially flying, flesh-eating
> > insects, roughly 3cm across, and the FP/IMP  probably needs to be
> > adjusted
> YMMV, but that's probably too weak.

see "FP/IMP  probably needs to be adjusted" above

> unusual circumstances rarely would that take down an
> armored soldier.

That was d4xN, not the same mechanism as the shotgun.

>until BDS shows up

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