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Re: John's Weapon Lists

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 11:44:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: John's Weapon Lists

--- Laserlight <> wrote:
> Here are a couple more thoughts:
> Low Tech Shotgun: close only, FP 3, impact d4+d4
> (each roll applied
> separately to one armor)
> Cheap, easily maintained, and effective against
> unarmored targets, the
> low-tech shotgun is used on a dozen worlds by
> hunters, village defense
> militias, and petty criminals.

I'll put that in the "Generic" Section, which doesn't
yet exist. . . :)  Maybe with some other 'generic'
civillian weapons.  What I could do is define, in my
generic weapon section, some basic types of weapons
and give examples. 
> Sa'Vasku Younger Swarm: FPd6, Impact: roll 1d4 and
> multiply by the
> number of points by which the FP die exceeded the
> target's defense
> die.	These are essentially flying, flesh-eating
> insects, roughly 3cm
> across, and the FP/IMP  probably needs to be
> adjusted

YMMV, but that's probably too weak.  Except under
unusual circumstances rarely would that take down an
armored soldier.  SV constructs armed with this would
be raw meat.  But at any rate, until BDS shows up I'm
laying off the alien weapons.


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