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Re: 2nd and 3rd rate powers

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 21:23:42 +0200
Subject: Re: 2nd and 3rd rate powers

TomB wrote:

>1: IC - I'd call them 3rd rate or maybe even 4th. I don't picture
>them as an armed force to write home and brag about.

Maybe not in 2183, but back in the 2050s they must've been pretty damn
to conquer the Thais and Vietnamese... and being able to impose any kind
control on the various Burmese fractions isn't a small feat either :-/

>9: Rating Aliens. I rate SV as 3rd rate in terms of quality as I
>don't think engineered bioconstructs have the same man-for-man
>capabilities as most humans.

Er... not in social situations, certainly. In combat situations however,

I'd phrase it the other way around - heck, an engineered bio-construct
even have similar tank-for-tank capabilities as most human vehicles...
they certainly don't lack resources for training, since that's all they
able to do when they don't eat, breed or fight :-/



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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