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From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:58:30 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: COLD STEEL!

THIS is a scenario idea that is definately unbalanced  in  firepower and
numbers  a as far as  the  escaping unit is concerned. 

but then actual combat situations  are rarely balanced. . . .


A. a platoon or section from somebodies armed forces is trapped behind
enemy lines and trying to scape and rejoin their own forces. the
soldiers are making their way  home  as invisibily as possible when they
accidentally discover an enemy mobile TOC between them and the only
known river crossing for 100 clicks and   the platoon or section is on

B. the TOC is set up on one side of the roadway (GM choice) and  the
TOC is staffed by the typical REMF types of officers, NCOs, and other
ranks who are feeling very safe and secure in their current location.
there is a very noticeable "laidbackness" here;  enemy troopers are
observed going about their duties  with or without weapons or body armor
(apparently according to personal  whim).  there are some armored ,
armed guards  and  manned crew served weapons scattered about the area
but these are not numerous and not very alert . . . . 

C. SWAGGING  the strength of the troops at the TOC, indicates there are
at least one or two platoons (or equivalent there of) of  bad guys. this
is determined by the  size of the  cutoff unit (platoon=2 enemy
platoons, section=1 enemy platoon). the enemy has assorted vehicles
parked nearby, light AFV/ACV or soft skinned  vehicles only.

D. GM places armored/armed guards at keypoints, as well as crew served
weaponry.  ONE (1) AFV may be manned  as  part of the TOC security

E. the GM places the  remainder of the enemy troops RANDOMLY around the
TOC site after manning the TOC itself  with  at least 6-10 bods. the GM
now allows the player (s) to place their own PC(s)  anywhere with the
TOC area.  

1.  one PC maybe armed and armored as part of the security detail on
duty, and maybe placed at any security post; he / she is assumed to be
conducting a routine check of personnel. 

2. all other PCs are not wearing armor and may only be armed with a

3. the troops on duty in the TOC may have armor and weapons at hand  as
determined below, but are not armed or armored at game start!

F. enemy soldiers other than guards are randomly determined to be armed
or armored by using 1D6 when they are encountered; 1-3, no armor/weapons
on person, 4-6, armed and armored.

G. unarmed/unarmored enemy soldiers must  spend one turn putting on
armor and collecting weapons/ammo AFTER THE ALARM IS SOUNDED OR ANY

H. unarmed enemy soldiers will count, as , well , unarmed except with
fists, feet, and bad language in close combat!

I.  QUIETLY killing enemy soldiers is accomplished by sneaking up on
them, then stabbing/slicing/braining/etc as silently as possible. unless
the attacker (s) are spotted by the would be victim he/she has no
warning! the attacker attacks first, from behind, and IF the would be
victim survive this attack, he/she can fight back, try to flee the
attack, or sound the alarm! since the attacker is trying to be quiet, it
is assumed that  anyone in  6"max can hear a scream for help , unless
the would be victim breaks free of the combat and runs screaming at the
top of his/her lungs! 

J. spotting an attacker is  before the	attack is handled by what ever
rules you are using, or can come up with.  i just use comparative dice
rolls for guards versus attackers during each turn of movement.
guard rolls 2D6 for a score and must beat a 3D6 score rolled by the
attacker to see , or hear the approach move. high score is winner.

K. the type,  location and availability of any nearby enemy  rapid
response forces  is completely unknown to the  unit making this
discovery. it is up to the GM to decide if there are any nearby troops,
and how long it will take them to arrive on scene after the RADIO ALARM
is sounded or shooting breaks out.  these troops may arrive ON the
roadway from either direction or by air (if you have this ability in
your games).  

(however, since there is a roadway running  by the TOC site, the GM
could make  dice rolls	while rolling the eyes,  grimacing,  cackling
insanely, or muttering "THAT WAS DAMN CLOSE!" and generally screw with
everyone's  heads! they do not need to know there is no random traffic
plotted to appear!)

L. remember these are REMF at a TOC, so NO powered armor infantry can be
used as part of the security detail!

M. the	soldiers that discovered this enemy TOC have many problems of
their own, too. these include;

1.. NO COMMO with friendly forces, so there is no way to call in an
airstrike, or  artillery (or ortillery if available) down on the TOC.

2..  the unit has only ONE (1)	man portable infantry support weapon and
limited ammo for it ( 2 rounds!).

3.  the unit as only ONE (1)  LMG or SAW, and this has a limited amount
of ammo ( 1D6+2 bursts).

4..  the unit has ZERO (0) hand grenade or launched grenade capability! 

5.  the soldiers in the unit have very little ammo for their own
individual weapons or pistols  ( roll 1D6 each time a soldier shoots;
score  a "1" and he/she is out of ammo!). but every one has a knife -
bayonet and an entrenching tool for those up close and personal moments!

6.  the unit has 1D6+1 wounded	soldiers with it. roll 1D6;  score 1 and
these are seriously wounded and cannot move on their own! score 2-6 and
these are walking wounded.

7.  the unit has no military maps to use for navigation. all were lost
when the enemy overran their positions. the leader does have a civvie
roadmap, and that is what  he/she is using to  attempt to escape  from
behind enemy lines.  the road map only shows this bridge crossing the
river  for 100 kilometers in either directions .  this roadmap is 3
years old . . .  

8. the unit is out of food for 3 days now, low on water, and medical
supplies are almost gone.

N.  the weather is clear, hot, and dry.  the  troops have had the  enemy
TOC under observaion for a couple of hours, and it is now sunset, local
time. Earth type  atmosphere and pressure, no tainting. gravity is 0.99
standard gee.  there are three moons in orbit-2 very small  and one
about the size of Luna.  GM determines	moon state. 

O. the river runs from table edge to table (wide or narrow ends, your
choice) edge, is 12" wide, unfordable, and is rolling along at	6"
current per turn from north to south. 

P. the roadway is paved, runs from table edge to table	edge in a
straight line though wooded, and hilly terrain in an  sparsely developed
region of the planet.
rodway is  4" wide through out its length.

Q. the bridge is  4" wide, 12 " long, and capable of supporting heavy
tanks or cargo vehicles.
R.  the  attackers deploy HIDDEN with 24" of the TOC in the woods.
either GM determines the  direction of their approach and set up, or it
is determined randomly using dice. attackers move first

S. the enemy deploys in the area designated as the TOC and  in a
perimeter around same  with scattered security posts at key points.
random movement of  troops within the TOC site until the alarm is
sounded or shooting starts.


THE attacker player(s) must be as quiet as possible, for as long as
possible, when	eliminating  enemy guards, and taking over  weapons
posts or vehicles so as to avoid alerting the troops at the TOC and any
others nearby who might respond to the firefight.

the TOC destruction is the main goal of the attackers, using whatever
means they can lay hands on 

remember, the TOC commo  equipment needs to be eliminated ASAP to
prevent  screams for help!

killing as many enemy officers and personnel  as possible would be a
nice  bonus.

maybe an officer as a prisoner.

maybe snatch a computer or two woud be good.

it would be very wise disable any enemy vehicles NOT USED FOR ESCAPE  to
prevent pursuit would be nice too.

hhhhhmmmmmmmm! maybe just slinking off the table on the other side of
the  river would be more prudent but less heroic! 

what would  a REEL HERO OR HEROINE DO (get it- REEL?) ????

medals all around if the  attacker pulls this off!


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