From: "Adam Benedict Canning" <dahak@d...>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 16:50:18 +0100
Subject: SMITE
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 20:05:41 +0100
> From: Charles Taylor <>
> Subject: [FT] Matter Transmitter (long)
> *Space Matrix Instant Transportation Emitter (S.M.I.T.E.)
Space Matter Instant Transforming Equipment. But that's General Lysis
for you.
> (I think) -
> from Space Battleship Yamato/Starblazers, this Gamelon
> technology will only
> transport fighters and other small craft, but can transport them in
> large numbers (whole carrier fighter contingents at once).
Bad news. SMITE can transport Destroyers and other sub capital units.
One of Deslock/Dessler's command ships apparently does in one of the
later series. Its listed as 48 Fighters or 1 Destroyer per SMITE unit.
Both the Dedicated Light Cruiser and the Command ship carry two linked
units. That may be excessive.
> In game terms, this is a Superior Matter Transmitter that has a
> 'reception zone' of 1-arc wide out to 6 mu from the SMITE
> ship, and a
> transmittion zone 3-arcs wide out to 36 mu. It is a class
> 36 (or more)
> Matter Trasmitter, but can only transmit fighters and other
> small craft
> (not more than 3 MASS each) _from_ the transmittion zone _to_ the
> reception zone. The transmitted fighters _must_ remain in formation.
> SMITE-ed fighters may attack on the turn they are
> transmitted, but may
> not manoeuvre. It may perform no other matter transmitter
> operations.
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 21:25:59 -0400
> From: "Z. Lakel" <>
> Subject: Re: [FT] Matter Transmitter (long)
> > As long as it doesn't allow for the mis-used SFB transporter
> > mine situation
> What's wrong w/ the SFB transporter bombs?
They make far to much sense for something that is never seen on the
I wouldn't want to take a fighter through somethiong that scrambled
explosives. If only because my canopy might come loose. Let alone what
it would do to my ordinance.
"Mark my words, Li Kao! You will be called, and when you are called
you must follow, no matter how difficult and dangerous the path may
be. It is my fervent prayer that the path you take will lead you ten
thousand miles from the Monastery of Sh'u. Preferably," said the