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RE: Mailing List

From: "Mike Elliott" <Mike.Elliott@s...>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 20:25:39 +0100
Subject: RE: Mailing List

Alfie Finch wrote:
>Can I suggest that if you're using your company address you
>supress or delete the company e-mail footers as they are way way
>big. Some users pay for their dial-up access and may take
>offence at having to download a 2 line posting and an 18 line
>mail footer.

>I'm not having a personal go at you here, I'm trying to educate
>my own corporate users as well :)

While I agree with your sentiments about the big footer, I have no
over whether it is there or not. It is added automatically by the
email system for legal reasons. Therefore it cannot be removed even if I
knew a way to do so. The reason I use my company email for this list is
simple fact that all mail in my inbox is deleted automatically after 30
days. With the amount of traffic I get from the list that is a big
in time and effort.

So far nobody on this list has actually complained about it.

Actually, people get far more unnecessary banwidth from the inclusion of
whole of the previous email than anybody's big footers. Judicious
and incuding only relevant text will make a big difference.


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