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Re: Spoon Feeding WWII Genre to players was --> Re: GenCon Plans Anyone?

From: "Mike Elliott" <Mike.Elliott@s...>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 10:29:36 +0100
Subject: Re: Spoon Feeding WWII Genre to players was --> Re: GenCon Plans Anyone?

Hi Flak Magnet,

I presume you have seen my original article on the subject at ? What more information on
do you need? I don't claim to be an expert, but I have been wargaming
periods including WWII for over 30 years, so I think I know a bit. I
successfully played WWII games using the stats as given in the article.
Given the stats there already, it should be fairly easy to generate
for any other WWII vehicle - that was the idea. My own preference is for
ETO 1944-45, hence the stats in the article.

If you want to add a lot of "chrome" along the lines of the web pages
cite, then go ahead. Personally, I find it difficult to remember too
"special" rules, and I don't think they add a lot to a game anyway,
from the frustration when you remember that you should have applied such
rule the previous turn and you forgot!

A lot of the historical information on the web sites you mention can of
course be lifted straight out (Plagiarism? Me?) as it is not rule system

Again, I would have thought most historical wargamer's would not have
difficulty taking a set of rules like DS2 and modifying them to suit
as often these people know far more about the period than those who
normally play it. Besides creating vehicles is half the fun!

BTW, Jon has stated previously that he has no interest in publishing
historical rules.

Hope that helps,

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