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Re: Odd armour developments

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 12:14:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Odd armour developments

--- Thomas Barclay <> wrote:

> having to hump 10 miles with a heavy rucksack 
> and a full combat loadout including ammo for 
> the support weapons. Not like you're going to 
> be happy in any event, but if you've got more 
> hair than required, you're going to be even less 
> happy. 
> Ah the joys of being an infanteer (I noticed the 
> armoured recce types always seemed to drive if 
> the distance was more than about 10 yards.... 
> lazy bunch of buggers....and the fact they liked 
> to keep beer in the APCs wasn't lost on us 
> gropos either....)! 

Keep reminding me why I want to stay mechanized.  :)

Actually, I'm considering reenlisting for Ft. Lewis to
check out this IBCT concept (but my window don't open
for another. . . year and 2 months so I've got plenty
of time to hash out whether it's that or FRG again).


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