RE: [DS2] VTOLs, Confidence and other questions
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 10:46:32 +1000
Subject: RE: [DS2] VTOLs, Confidence and other questions
Sorry this reply took so long I've been trying to get enough time to
(still don't have enough time for a proper answer sorry)
> 1) What can a High VTOL shoot at? Firstly, can it shoot
> down at a ground target, and if so at what penalty?
> Secondly, can it shoot at another High VTOL? Again,
> is there any penalty for this "dogfighting"?
I'm not sure if this in the rules or not (probably not), but we use:
HIGH = fired at by other vehicles in HIGH mode and ZADs (I've been
with LADs and GMS too though I may be in fantasy land here re: realistic
LOW = direct fire from GROUND and LOW, missles etc from HIGH
GROUNDED = bombed by HIGH/LOW and direct fire from GROUNDED and LOW
> 2) Can a Low VTOL shoot at one in High mode? If so,
> does any penalty apply? Does a Low VTOL receive any
> benefit if it is being shot at by High aircraft?
Don't think so explicitly, but once again I've though about a secondary
much like what VTOL's get in pop-ups.
> 3) Can ZAD attack Low VTOLs, or is that the preserve
> of "ordinary ground units using direct fire"?
I let them, though many people don't actually bother as they just use
troops to do it.
> In our DS games, Confidence appears to manifest itself
> in three levels: Exuberant, Cheerful and Doggedly
> Determined. Rumour has it there are other levels, but
> we've yet to experience them. We've tried to tighten
> up our games, taking every confidence test and (most)
> reaction tests the rules throw at us, but nothing
> seems to run away. I can't think of more than two
> occasions in four games where a unit failed a reaction
> roll, with the near-certainty that it would perform
> next turn.
> Lacking lists, we're using a random table for Quality
> and initial Leadership. All units are Confident to
> begin with, mostly Regular and average Leadership
> perhaps 1.6 or thereabouts.
> Granted, we're not using leader markers so none of
> those +3 threat tests are popping up, and our units
> are fairly small (typically three or four figures)
> but lethal so they tend to "buzz-saw" each other
> before morale can really take effect.
> Given the above, should our games be fairly "morale-
> free" or have we got something completely wrong?
You're probably not going to see too many "bad results" that way. I'd
definitely add leader tests for one.