Re: Beer crates, again...
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 15:19:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Beer crates, again...
--- Ryan M Gill <> wrote:
> Back at some point a story came out that pagans were
> worshiping in a
> field around a bon fire at Fort Hood or some other
> base out west. Bob
> Barr thinking he could single out a segment for some
> good old
> politically driven bashing, started making
> statements about pagan's
> not deserving to be in the military due to our
> nation's Christian
> foundation.
Oh. I don't think anyone gives it a second's thought.
I mean, wiccans get some flack[1] but not much more
than anyone else with strong and unusual opinions.
[1]Following joke overheard: What do you call a male
Wiccan? Confused.
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