Turbans and stuff (was: Re: Beer crates, again...)
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 21:27:09 +0100
Subject: Turbans and stuff (was: Re: Beer crates, again...)
>>The turban cannot be worn under a kevlar helmet
>IIRC the Seljuqs (and presumably others) wore turbans that were wound
>around helmets. Anyone know how the Indian military does this?
No, but Sikhs serving in the Police over here (UK) wear a dark blue
(adorned with the usual cap badge, IIRC) in place of the plice helmet or
peaked cap.
As to the WW2 North Africa fighting, most of the reference books I've
show Indian Brigade troops wearing ordinary tin hats when in combat, but
their turbans (either the Sikh one or the pointy-middle one for Punjabi
units) when on parade - though there are a FEW shots of turbanned troops
combat, particularly gun crews.
On modelling topics, if anyone wants to make Indian unit conversions in
15mm (for WW2, modern or SF) then Peter Pig do some really nice Sikh and
Punjabi turbanned heads that swap very well onto most makes of 15mm
after a little dremel-drilled hole is made in the neck - I've got an
excellent Sikh battalion for my Commonwealth forces (WW2 desert) made
Jon (GZG)
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