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Re: Beer crates, again...

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:00:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Beer crates, again...

--- Ryan M Gill <> wrote:
> At 10:21 AM -0700 7/30/02, John Atkinson wrote:
> >
> >Yes.  As a matter of fact, I played a regular card
> >game with most of the coven back on Montieth. 
> There
> ???? Montieth? Is this a base? That's my sept name
> that I get from my 
> great grandfather.

Monteith is a camp in Kosovo outside Gjilane.  It's
named after 1st LT Jimmie Monteith, a platoon leader
in the 1st Infantry Division who was awarded the Medal
of Honor posthumously for conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty on 6
June 1944, near Colleville-sur-Mer, France.  As a
minor humorous note, he was a graduate of Virginia
Polytechnical Institute (Virginia Tech) and a Corps of
Cadets dorm is named after him.  My brother lived in
it his freshman year. 
> >is a pretty good overlap between gamers and pagans,
> to
> And Goths for that matter. There's a fellow in a
> Decontamonation/chem 
> platoon out at Hood that you may have come across at
> some point. 
> Matt/Nywind iirc (can't recall his last name
> though....)

Ummm. . . there's 70,000 troops at Fort Hood.  I know
a couple hundred somewhat and maybe a 100 reasonably
well.  Maybe 8-9 of those I know by their first name. 
And no chemmo pukes are on that list.
> Probably not a huge deal, but given the habit for
> things in the arms 
> room to be played with by the gits that "guard"
> them, I'd be pretty 
> unhappy if I were pagan and had to keep it there.

Less that than the issue of checking it out regularly
to do rituals.
> How do they handle Sikhs in the US army? Sometimes

I don't think they do.	The hair thing and the big
knife thing are deal breakers.

> and the uniforms were able to be modified to conform
> to religious 
> practices and habits of that cultural sub group For
> example, sikhs 
> wearing the turban like head wear, retaining a
> smaller beard, and 
> wearing their ritual knife as required.

The turban cannot be worn under a kevlar helmet, and
the beard makes it impossible to correctly wear a
protective mask.  
> >other than that and petty (and illegal) harassment
> >Wiccans have as much freedom of religion as anyone
> >else.
> Since the Bob Barr related flap has died down, where
> does that stand now?



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