Re: Beer crates, again...
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 10:38:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Beer crates, again...
--- Laserlight <> wrote:
> From: "Jason Weiser" <>
> > now John Atkinson's ego is reaching critical
> mass..
> <GRIN> That actually happened quite a while ago,
> he's been playing the
> NRE for years. I don't recall most of the titles of
> the Byzantine
> emperors but they boil down to "Rightful Ruler of
> All Mankind and
> God's Regent on Earth."
Avtocrator is the official Greek translation of
Augustus, and the semantically correct translation
would be "Sole Rightful Ruler of Man".
But I hardly ever sign correspondance that way.
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