[DS] Morale question
From: Yves Lefebvre <ivanohe@a...>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 20:49:56 -0700
Subject: [DS] Morale question
I found this on a DS2 Q&A web page :
Q: Do you have to take the +2 Confidence test for taking 50% casualties
only once when you cross the 50% threshold, or for every casualty taken
after the 50% point?
A: From Mike Elliot: P23. states that: "A CONFIDENCE TEST should be
when any of the following apply:". Since the "50% casualties or more in
battle so far is a persistent condition, then a unit to which this
must take a CL test on every activation. The effect of this is that
suffering 50% losses is not immediately critical, it will not be very
before the unit has had enough - unless you keep rolling good dice!
If you read carefully the answer, it look like a unit with 50% or more
casualities must do a confidence test on EVERY activation, even if it's
under fire?
I think that most people found the DS2 morale too forgiving but with the
above answer, it seems to be not the case.
Any opinion on this?