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Re: Found this just now and thought I'd share...

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:18:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Found this just now and thought I'd share...

On 16-Jul-02 at 09:14, Flak Magnet (
> Public domain hex maps... Including a document for printing hex paper.

> Should your gaming be so inclined... 

I just found out Kinko's can do printouts up to 36"X72", do you
want a big hex map?

I'd wondered how the Warroom in Atlanta managed to get the
GZG Cannon map printed up that big for a campaign.

I'm building a hex-table for a role-playing game.  24"X48" plywood
table top $10US, hex paper over the top $3US, molding strips
for the edges $2US, table top resin $35US(ouch), rounded corners
to keep the friends just-walking baby from hurting herself $0.

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