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SG2 graphics & misc

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 19:25:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: SG2 graphics & misc

Hi all,

I've recieved a good response to putting my sign graphics up in
format (zipped, of course), so I'll be doing that when I can.

I've also gotten several emails from list members concerning link
I need to make to various of my pages; rest assured that will happen
and sorry I haven't replied personally.

However... the hitch here is that my free webspace seems to be suffering
FTP server problems... I'm waiting to hear from Freeserver's support,
in the mean time I can't upload anything! Be patient and it will
be restored soon.

Failing that, I start looking for another !@$%# webspace provider.

Just wanted to let everyone know,

Brian - - 
- -

Prev: RE: [SGII] AAR, Crouching weasle, hidden danger (long) Next: Re: Enhanced sensors