Adrian's Olde Terrain Shoppe and Travel Guide
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 19:33:30 -0400
Subject: Adrian's Olde Terrain Shoppe and Travel Guide
1) Fabric Paint
As someone who used to run a fabric painting
business (graphic design, but we did jacket
designs on leather and denim), I recall the
Dylon fabric paint I worked with didn't require
an ironing (only the pencil transfers we used for
outlining did). Now, we usually did iron them,
but I don't think that was a requirement.
(They're too well hid for me to find just now).
They worked well on cotton, canvas-ish or
denim jackets, whereas thinned conventional
paints worked best on leather. Nylon and such
wouldn't be something I'd try to paint onto,
and felt probably soaks in paint like a
sonofagun. Sometime I should take a picture of
the picture "The Combatants" (famous dragon
vs. dragon from either Easley or Elmore IIRC)
as rendered on my engineering jacket. I wish I
had a picture of the one my partner did on his
jacket - a Centaur Knight and a Wizard fighting
a Dragon on a crumbling bridge.
I'd try normal (though craft foam safe paint
might be best or any acrylic so as to avoid
solvents!) spray paint for speckling. You aren't
worried about more than creating an illusion
and the felt shouldn't soak in much because you
aren't putting much on.
2) Flocking sheets....
Geohex terrain mats have some special
character. They use a very fine grade of flock,
they have a fairly uniform adhesive application,
and they have some method of sealing the
edges. I'm not sure I'd try duplicating them, at
least not on felt as I don't think they use a felt
base. And the one problem I do have with them
is if you don't roll them (and instead fold them),
you tend to lose flock along the fold lines. Heck,
you tend to lose flock anyway, but it is more
pronounced if you fold these mats.
3) Adrian, I was laughing at your advice to Neil.
I mailed him off list, mentioned you in Toronto,
me in Ottawa, and Sentry Box in Calgary as an
absolute must see. You wrote almost exactly
the same thing, though with a bit more detail
and the links. Great minds think alike! And I've
mail ordered from them, they're pretty good, it
seems. Used to be the only place I shopped
when I lived in Alberta. And I've ordered from
there since I came back to Ontario too.
Tally ho!
Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
No Battle Plan Survives Contact With Dice.
-- Mark 'Indy' Kochte