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RE: [Campaign] Criteria

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 10:03:27 +1000
Subject: RE: [Campaign] Criteria


>JohnA said:
>> And therein lies the rub.  Design a campaign system
>> where tiny frontier colonies can build battleships and
>> it won't work for my vision of the GZGverse, where the
>> PAU can barely manage any capital ship construction
>> (states in corrected FB that the heart of their
>> battleline is 5 BDNs purchased from ESU) never mind
>> Planet Podunk.
> John, nothing is keeping you from designing a strategic (or
> operational, or grand strategic) campaign with reasonable assumptions.
> I agree that the non-Canon powers have a remarkable tendency to
> inflated the size of their fleets, but how about give us an example of
> the way it should be done?

The campaign down here had long build times for big things (an SDN would
have taken 36 turns to build at an existing shipyard...) and it worked
you saw people relying more on small ships, actually doing scouting, not
over committing forces (and pulling out if you jumped in and realised
were a lot more there than you'd expected), trying to capture ships
than destroy them, forming treaties etc etc. 

In case you're interested its at

sorry for the long url, you can also find it by going to

and hitting the "Just whose planet is this anyway?!" link.

As to "non-Canon powers have a remarkable tendency to inflated the size
their fleets" I guess that comes down to personal views on the sheer
size of
available resources and how much can be automated as we head out into
stars ;)


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