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Re: [Campaign] Criteria

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 12:56:33 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [Campaign] Criteria

Donald Hosford schrieb:
> Considering that we are dealing with armies/fleets, most
> units will have only 1 or 2 movepoints anyway.

Again, this depends on the time scale. An extreme example is Victory
Game's 'Peloponnesian war'. That had game turns of a full season per
turn, and units could move any distance they wished. Freedom of
movement was restricted mainly by rules that allowed easy interception
of moving units. Worked well for the intended scale.

The game didn't have a grid, but points (cities) linked by possible
movement routes. This is topologically equivalent to a map with areas,
BTW. Such a point / route map is an attractive option for interstellar
games, depending on your FTL mechanism. It is not that popular for
ground warfare, but it can be useful there too. At the strategic level,
movement routes can also be fairly restricted due to logistics,
geography and available infrastructure.

Karl Heinz

Karl Heinz Ranitzsch
Müllerweide 22 c
22391 Hamburg

Tel: 040/5362795

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