RE: Re: Mission Creep - Was Re: The new US Army APC the Stinger
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 21:55:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Re: Mission Creep - Was Re: The new US Army APC the Stinger
--- "" <>
> From: Damond Walker
> > It's easy to simulate. Simply boost all items
> (ship, tank, etc.)
> financial cost be 1d10*10%.
> Or 1d6, a 6 is "5 + reroll". "This frigate that was
> budgeted at 65Mcr, uh, well, cost overruns, um,
> looks more like the moment. We're
> still a year behind schedule, though."
"Very interesting. We've awarded the revised contract
to your competitors who submitted the second-best bid.
You are under arrest on suspicion of high treason,
charges and specifications will follow. Our
investigators will have more details after we've
confiscated the records that show exactally how each
millarieson was spent. We'll see how many of your
co-workers will be spending the next few decades with
you. I hope you enjoy their company."
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